Bonding of Lorelei Harper & Jamaivaux Morrelle
Friday April 24th, 6pm PST / 9pm EST

The two-part event

This is a two part event (Half AU OOC and half RP) to celebrate the union of Lorelei and Jamaivaux.

Part One (6pm pst /9pm est - Suggested arrival is 15mins before to not miss the ceremony):
Meet at the Sanctum of the Twelve for a themed Ceremony OOC/AU style since neither character would actually get married in/at the church IC. Guests are required to dress in certain attire and enjoy the 80's theme night vibe. If our characters were to marry in a church setting we've styled it appropriately to go along with our characters tastes. Enjoy this celebration Alternative-Universe style with flair. We estimate this part to take around one hour.

Part Two: The RP (Estimated start time 7pm pst/ 10pm est) actual IC bonding)
After the Sanctum of the Twelve bonding, we're meeting in the Royal Menagerie for a RP event featuring a character ran ceremony (by a very renowned, skillful priestess) drinks, music and a lot of dancing. Please dress appropriate for an IC wedding with an Ala Mhigan flavor. While we suspect this portion should only last an hour, there is no time limit for this portion of the event. Enjoy at your own risk.

The Details

Part One requirements include exact dye and set wear. May wear either dress or tux no matter which gender or which party you are in (bride or groom). But dresses must be metallic gold, and tuxes must be metallic silver. If you are in need of an outfit or dyes, please contact the bride or groom before the wedding date.

Part Two requirements include IC formal attire, and a desire to dance. The setting is for night, so forgive the in-game weather and sun whilst we enjoy a festival under the stars.
Music when in the Menagerie (recommended) for the in-character ceremony.
The playlist is not a requirement, but we would encourage enjoying the sounds we've plucked to represent the IC bonding and festivities. Unfortunately the in-game music for the zone does not fit for our ideal character wedding.


Please contact us through discord to let us know you'll be able to make it. We'll need to add you to our friends-list if you want to come to the church portion of the event.

Lorelei Harper @ Mechanism#1343 OR/AND Jamaivaux Morelle @ Saraxes#9659